Products with high
mechanical accuracy

When we talk about precision, our definition is products with very high mechanical accuracy and efficiency. The products are manufactured by leading companies in their segment and examples of these companies are ETP, Spinea and Nexen. 


The expertise we possess is an important part when we work together with our counterparty to develop a solution that makes the customer's product more efficient and competitive in its market and thus more profitable.


We are involved in the entire project, from concept discussion to assembly advice. The products can also be combined with each other to create an effective solution and where we take responsibility for the combined function of the products, which is a security.


By clicking on the button below, you will be taken to all our precision products. 


Contact us directly in this form or call us on 040-680 73 00. 

Our sales team are always ready to answer your questions!

Contact us directly in this form or call us on 040-680 73 00. 


Our sales team are always ready to answer your questions!

Peter Sterner

Sales Manager