Precision gears

Spinea Twinspin backlash-free cycloid gears represent a completely new generation of transmission solutions with the highest precision. They are based on a patented construction consisting of axial and radial bearings.

The term "bearing gear" points to the unique integration of a backlash-free gear with radial and axial bearings into a compact unit with many areas of application.

Twinspin's bearing gear is capable of absorbing both radial and axial forces without extra bearings and can be used directly as a connection mechanism in e.g. a robot axis.

Because the design does not contain gears like traditional planetary gears, it has much less backlash – typically less than 1 arcmin. The lifespan is also considerably longer with the clearance maintained.

M series

T Series

E series


G series

Drive spin

Rotospin A

Rotospin B

Rotospin C

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