Shipbuilding industry

Mechanical components play a major role in the heavy shipbuilding industry. Here, the need for products that have enormous durability in extreme environments is extremely important. This means that components that can provide high forces, low weights and long life cycles.


However, it does not matter whether they are for the production of large complex steel structures, propellers for ships, or whether it is about the repair and maintenance of large ships. Quality and safety are an absolute must when it comes to such a heavy industry as shipbuilding. Here, the products must provide the absolute highest performance and security that there will be no downtime.

Knowledge of areas of use

If you are a designer and need to get the right components in your field, you should always be able to trust that the company that provides them has the right knowledge of your area of ​​use. If you are instead a buyer, you should be able to trust that the company you buy from has knowledge of which mechanical components your company needs.


The same applies if you need help developing and customizing mechanical components for your manufacturing. Therefore, there needs to be expertise and competence regarding which materials are best, if, for example, heat treatment or surface treatment is needed, as well as the different dimensions required.

Expert advice, customized training and consultation

It's something we can proudly say we can offer when you hire us. We also come out on site, where we offer consultation and advice. We can then help you develop, adapt and manufacture mechanical components entirely based on your needs. In addition, we have the opportunity to offer customized training.


Based on your wishes, our employees can be involved from the idea stage until it is time to deliver your components. You can also get help with installation. This means that you get a collaboration where there is closeness and security in the service we can offer you. We are here to give you support and assistance if you need it.

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high quality parts?
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